Bodhiyoga International
- Online - Live & Direct

Open to anyone and everyone

(highly recommended to teachers in the 300 & 500 hours Yoga Certification programme)

Contact us or Email us:

Weekly Online Class

Join anytime! Wednesdays 6.00-7.15 pm UK time

£10 per class, £40 for a month (£25 for Bodhiyoga trainees) Recorded classes £25

Led by Sudaka and Sadhita, unfolding and exploring a different group of postures and practices, always applying mindfulness. Open to all.

Online Meditation course

Why do this Online Course
  • Train with highly experienced teachers/practitioners. Sadhita and Sudaka have 30 years practice
  • Acquire basic meditation techniques and skills of how to work in meditation
  • Develop & Understand yourself better
  • Learn how to work with stress and difficult mental states
  • Learn how to live more from your centre and deeper authenticity
  • Learn meditation from the Buddhist tradition
  • Prepares your for our retreats
  • Prepares you for our 300 & 500 Yoga Certification training
  • Receive a comprehensive downloadable Manual (26 pages)